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发布日期:2019-09-19    点击:



1. Jie Yang,Zhe Liu, Bin Xue, Zhou Liao, Liangsen Feng, Ning Zhang, Junxi Wang, and Jinmin Li, Highly uniform white light-based visible light communication using red, green and blue laser diodes, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018. 10(1): p. 1-8.

2. Jie Yang,Zhe Liu, Bin Xue, Junxi Wang, Jinmin Li, Research on phosphor-conversion laser-based white light used as optical source of VLC and illumination, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2017. 49(4): p. 11.

3. Jie Yang, Zhe Liu, Bin Xue, Zhou Liao, Junxi Wang, Jinmin Li, Visible light communication and lighting using Laser Diodes, in 2016 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2016, Ieee: New York. p. 83-84.

4. Xue Bin, Liu Zhe, Yang Jie, Feng Liangsen, Zhang Ning, Wang Junxi, Li Jinmin, Characteristics of III-nitride based laser diode employed for short range underwater wireless optical communications, Optics Communications, 2018, 410:525-530.

5. Zhang Ning, Wei Xue-Cheng, Lu Kun-Yi, Feng Liang-Sen, Yang Jie, Xue Bin, Liu Zhe, Li Jin-Min, Wang Jun-Xi, Effect of Back Diffusion of Mg Dopants on Optoelectronic Properties of InGaN-Based Green Light-Emitting Diodes, Chinese Physics Letters, 2016(11):100-102.

6. 杨杰,朱邵歆,闫建昌,李晋闽,王军喜,载流子复合机制对InGaN多量子阱蓝光LED调制带宽的影响,发光学报,2018. 39(2): p. 202-207.

